Pennsylvania SeniorLAW HelpLine 1-877-PA SR LAW (1-877-727-7529) A toll-free, statewide telephone service providing legal information, advice, brief services and referrals to Pennsylvania seniors This is a free and confidential service for adults 60 years of age and older Expanded services for seniors experiencing financial exploitation and/or elder abuse JEFFERSON COUNTY 814-849-3096 or 1-800-852-8036 AREA AGENCY ON AGING Pennsylvania SeniorLAW HelpLine 1-877-PA SR LAW (1-877-727-7529) A toll-free, statewide telephone service providing legal information, advice, brief services and referrals to Pennsylvania seniors This is a free and confidential service for adults 60 years of age and older Expanded services for seniors experiencing financial exploitation and/or elder abuse JEFFERSON COUNTY 814-849-3096 or 1-800-852-8036 AREA AGENCY ON AGING