|Have you reviewed your auto insurance policy lately? Chances are, We're Looking we can provide you with the same or better Out for You coverage for less money. Plus, you'll get personalized service from local agents who care about you and your safety. Edner & Kness Insurance & Investments Call us today for a free policy check and rate quote and make sure you're getting the best protection and the best price. KEYSTONE INSURERS GROUP www.EdnerKness.com 407 S. Main Street, DuBois, PA 15801 (814) 371-6756 John Kness, Agent |Have you reviewed your auto insurance policy lately? Chances are, We're Looking we can provide you with the same or better Out for You coverage for less money. Plus, you'll get personalized service from local agents who care about you and your safety. Edner & Kness Insurance & Investments Call us today for a free policy check and rate quote and make sure you're getting the best protection and the best price. KEYSTONE INSURERS GROUP www.EdnerKness.com 407 S. Main Street, DuBois, PA 15801 (814) 371-6756 John Kness, Agent