The Meadows Fince 1950 riginal FROZEN CUSTARD Seasonal Favorites are here! Robins Soups Available M-F, 12-7 Sun.-Thurs. 11-9, Fri. & Sat. 11-10, Open All Year Round 32 Hoover Ave., DuBois In Front Of Martin's 814-371-1556 50¢ OFF ANY SPECIALTY SUNDAE OR SPECIALTY SWIRL DuBots location only, Not including discount or sale items . Expires 12/31/19 The Meadows Fince 1950 riginal FROZEN CUSTARD Seasonal Favorites are here! Robins Soups Available M-F, 12-7 Sun.-Thurs. 11-9, Fri. & Sat. 11-10, Open All Year Round 32 Hoover Ave., DuBois In Front Of Martin's 814-371-1556 50¢ OFF ANY SPECIALTY SUNDAE OR SPECIALTY SWIRL DuBots location only, Not including discount or sale items . Expires 12/31/19