WESTERN CONTRACTOR Get Ready for Winter WESTERN has a full line of CONTRACTOR GRADE straight blade, V-Plows and expandable wing multi-position snowplows ready to take on winter's worst TRI-COUNTY PERFORMANCE 997 Beaver Drive DuBois More jobs. Done faster. (814) 371-2642 WESTERN Open Monday-Friday 9 to 5; Saturday 9 to 2 www.westernplows.com WESTERN CONTRACTOR Get Ready for Winter WESTERN has a full line of CONTRACTOR GRADE straight blade, V-Plows and expandable wing multi-position snowplows ready to take on winter's worst TRI-COUNTY PERFORMANCE 997 Beaver Drive DuBois More jobs. Done faster. (814) 371-2642 WESTERN Open Monday-Friday 9 to 5; Saturday 9 to 2 www.westernplows.com