You or someone RWIC PENNSYLVANIA you know may qualify for WIC! WOMEN INFANTS CHILDREN Are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby? Do you have a child under age 5? Are you a guardian for a child under age 5? Many working familes qualify! If your family income is no more than the guidelines below, call 1-800-WIC-WINS or North Central WIC Program 814-773-3162 today! WIC Income Guidelines Household Monthly Income (Approx.) Annual Size Income 1 $1,926 $2,607 $23,107 $31,284 $39,461 $47,638 $55,815 2 3 $3,289 $3,970 $4,652 4 5 For each $682 $8,117 additional pron, add: Income (before taxes) is effective July 1, 2019. For each unbom infant, add one to household size. Foster children are eligible. MA, TANF, and SNAP families are eligible but must provide income documentation. PA WIC is funded by the USDA. This institutlon Is an equal opportunlty provider. You or someone RWIC PENNSYLVANIA you know may qualify for WIC! WOMEN INFANTS CHILDREN Are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby? Do you have a child under age 5? Are you a guardian for a child under age 5? Many working familes qualify! If your family income is no more than the guidelines below, call 1-800-WIC-WINS or North Central WIC Program 814-773-3162 today! WIC Income Guidelines Household Monthly Income (Approx.) Annual Size Income 1 $1,926 $2,607 $23,107 $31,284 $39,461 $47,638 $55,815 2 3 $3,289 $3,970 $4,652 4 5 For each $682 $8,117 additional pron, add: Income (before taxes) is effective July 1, 2019. For each unbom infant, add one to household size. Foster children are eligible. MA, TANF, and SNAP families are eligible but must provide income documentation. PA WIC is funded by the USDA. This institutlon Is an equal opportunlty provider.