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Call or visit your Local DISH Retailer to demo the best in entertainment technology! dish See World Satellites SEE WORID 724-463-3200 ext. 122 Premier Local Retailer Offer for new and qualitying former customers only Important Terms and Condiions Qualiication: Adertod prce squis cedt oqualiction and 24month commtnet Uphont actvaton andor cever upgade fes may acply based on eedt qualicaton. Ofer ends 7/20. 2yrer commibment Cety temiation fee of S20ma emaining noplies youcanoet earty ecluded in 2yeer price guerantee ot $s09 edvertised price: Aecce's Top t0 programming pockage, bcalchanne, HD enice loes, and Hopoper Duo Smat DVR or 1N Included in 2ymar price guarantee for addional cost hogrammeng package upgrades 99 for A10 499 for AT230. S499 tor A125OL monthly fees for upgraded or addtional recelvens 57 per addtonal recetves ath addional tunctonaty be S0-S1. 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Ater 6 mos, seleced, you l be blied $999o for DSH Potect Siver unless you calto cance Ater 2 an tenctevytiny pri for al se ely For bunine oen adionl mory fre y oply Free tandat pension ion only 2-Year TV Price Guarantee Our promise to you. 190 CHANNELS 190+ CHANNELS AMERICA'S TOP 120 AMERICA'S TOP 120 PLUS All-Time Favorites and Locals Everything Sports Plus Moret Discovery Plus More! MOST POPULAR $59 99 $7499 RSN tharge voto Sina seles and ries ised on locaton All packages include: 2-Year TV Price Guarantee. Free Voice Remote with the Google Assistant, Smart HD DVR, and Local Channels. Al oten regure oedt quiticaton, 2me conmtment wth eary emination tee, and edutoP. Prices incuce Hopper Due for quityng tutomers, Happer, Hepper wing, or opper3 Sino more. Uphont foes may apply based on credt auaiticaton. Voice Remote requres intemet connected loppes, Jors or Wally device. Cutomer munt press Vice Remote tuon to atite teme Googeisatdemark of Googe LUC Plus, act now for even more benefits: SHOP Local Ask about upgrading to the Hopper 3 Thanks for supporting us, your neighborhood Retailer. We give you the best entertainment experience, with a local touch. Call or visit your Local DISH Retailer to demo the best in entertainment technology! dish See World Satellites SEE WORID 724-463-3200 ext. 122 Premier Local Retailer Offer for new and qualitying former customers only Important Terms and Condiions Qualiication: Adertod prce squis cedt oqualiction and 24month commtnet Uphont actvaton andor cever upgade fes may acply based on eedt qualicaton. Ofer ends 7/20. 2yrer commibment Cety temiation fee of S20ma emaining noplies youcanoet earty ecluded in 2yeer price guerantee ot $s09 edvertised price: Aecce's Top t0 programming pockage, bcalchanne, HD enice loes, and Hopoper Duo Smat DVR or 1N Included in 2ymar price guarantee for addional cost hogrammeng package upgrades 99 for A10 499 for AT230. S499 tor A125OL monthly fees for upgraded or addtional recelvens 57 per addtonal recetves ath addional tunctonaty be S0-S1. Regional Sports: RSN cwge p to Sme oples to AT120- and higher packages and vales besed on location NOT included in 2yea price quarantee or advertised price jand sutject te changet taes &sucharges, addon progranning ncluding premium thannold. DISH Protect, and bansactional foes. Remote The DSH Voior Remote with he Google koistert sequres intonet conneded Hopper. Joes or Wty deice. Cuomer mt press Voice Renone bumo ectivate lesture. The Google Asote Snan Home lestures regue Google scoount and compnbie devces. Google satsdman of Google LLC Other A packages progranng tetes,andtunconaty and al prioes and fees not ecudd inprice quatoe ere satjectto change thout otce. Ater 6 mos, seleced, you l be blied $999o for DSH Potect Siver unless you calto cance Ater 2 an tenctevytiny pri for al se ely For bunine oen adionl mory fre y oply Free tandat pension ion only