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    September 21, 2020
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PUNXSY ROTARY AUCTION DONOR 1101, Treasurer m Vansteenberg 1102. Shield's 119 Boot Shop 1101. Career Woman's Club 1104. Breathe Peace Wellness Spe t1M Laska's Pizzs SEGMENT 11 12:30 - 12:44 PM. Small to Med. Smoked Beef Bones for Dogs Shield's 119 Boot Shop GR Certificate. S50 Anchor Inn Git Card & 2 Pantal Hotel Cook Books 30 Minute Sauna, Yoga Class & Massage. Laska's Pizza Gift Cerficate Hair Cottage GR Certificate Burrow Gin Certitte .RETAIL VALUE $50 $50 S80 $100 550 1105 A Hair Coge on County EMS 1104. 110. Dunkel Roofing YY le alidtom Oet 200-Sept 22 $55 $4100 1110 111. Amy Moris, Aomey 1112 Renda Radia, Inc. Cards $50 $50 584 1113. Friend of Rotary 1114. InFirst Bank 115. Deeley Funeral Home Steve's Greenhouse &Flerist Git Card 4 Pitsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Tickets (Vald to 1220) Two $25 Gin Cards for Hoss's Steak & Seafood $25 Chamber Git Card, Blanket, Tots, Umbrela and Tumbler. Apple Series 3 Space Gray Watch & Black Sports Band $50 550 $200 OA BROADCAST LIVE ON WPXZ 104.1 FM MAJOR ITEMS RECAP FROM 1249 THROUGH 12:59 p.m. SEGMENT 12- 12:59 - 1:13 PM.. $100 Mastercard Gn Card 6Light Polished Brass Chandelier Punxsy Phi's Restaurant Git Card Two Chief Combo Meals & Bread, Pop. Gift Certificate for Water Based Pillow. RETAIL VALUE $100 DONOR 1201. Marion Center Bank 1202 HAH Supply 1203. Weather Capital Sales 1204. Punasy Pizza - Scot Anthony 1205. Cornerstone Chiropractic 1206. Laska's Pizza 1207. Burkett's PWS 1200. Friend of Rotary 1209. Walmart Distribution Center $240 $50 $55 $65 Laska's Pizza Gin Certificate $50 Git Basket of Dog Products & Toys 4 Music & Motion Stuffed A HP Envy Wireless Printer Neko's $50 590 $110 Animals 1210. Neko's Restaurant 1211. Mke Gigliotn Balpark Tanning 1212. Chuck Daly Foundation Restaurant Git Card 20 Tanning Sessions Chuck Daly hats, shirts, book, picture, pins. 550 560 550 1213. Friend of Rotary 1214. Gateway Lodge - Cook Forest 1215. Friend of Rotary Two $50 Lowes Gift Cards. $100 Gateway Lodge Gin Certificate Dewalt 80 Piece Dril Bit Set $50 $125 Check us out on Facebook: SEGMENT 13 118-1:32 PM. Craftuman 83 Piece Homeowner Tool Set. RETAIL VALUE DONOR 1301. Kevin Neal Auction Services 1302. Myra Handbags by Debbie Snyder Myra Tote Bag & Myra Wristet 1303. Prothonotary Tonya Geist & Friend af Rotary Basket of Cat Toys & tems $25 Gin Card to Punasy Pizza 1304. Friend of Rotary 1305 It's Time for a Tea Party Assortment Delta Satin Nickel Single Handle Faucet. $50 $105 $265 chool& 1307. Frank's Star Lunch 130. Walmart Distribution Center 1309. Amy Morris. Atormey 1310. Friend of Rotary 1311. Jm CurtisA 1312. Laska's Piza, 1313. Friend of Rotary 1314. Big Foot Country 1021& 183.1 FM Graco Aftas 5 Tewo in One Harness Booster Seat Frank's Star Lunch Git Certificate 43 Inch TCL Smart TVin K. $50 GiR Certificate to Joyce's Greenhouse. 6 Halmark Disney Themed Christmas Ornaments Git Certficate to Fairady & Company $130 $50 $240 $50 $120 $200 Ameritas Lite Laska's Pizza Gin Certificate JCPenney Git Card 4 Pitsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Tickets (Valid to 123120) Whiteind 26 Inch Ladie's Bicycle NAPA 10 Piece Standard & Metric Ratcheting Wrench Set 550 $100 564 1315. Femco Machine $100 1316 Friend of Rotary $110 CALL 5 03-0664 TO BID DONOR 1401. Friend of Rotary 1402. Eant End Laundry & Dry Cleaner 1403. Cindy Lou's Shadow Crundh Pret 1404. Rumors Tevem SEGMENT 14 1137 1151 PM. Peanuts 4 Piece - Cheistmas song Dance Party Band. Full Tux Rental with Shoes, Tie, Vest (Valid to 120120) RETAIL VALUE $65 $135 GR Basket with 5 Bags Assorted Flavor Pretzels and SAssorted Dipping Sauces Teo 25 Gn Cards 1405. Cloe Lumber Four $25 Gn Certificates Sony Bu Ray Disc & DVO Player Laska's Piza Gin Certicate RPM Archery Gin Cenitcate on Ceticate for Party Infatable One Night Stay at Cobblestone Hotel $100 140. Walmat Diseribution Center $45 1407. Leska' Piaa, RP Acery $50 1408 Meic Party Ratals 1409 1410. Cobblestone 1411. A shed Up Auto Spa 1412. Shelds Insurance Agency 1413 Smokin Pete's BB0 1414. Muberry Squan 1415. Coca Cola of Dubois $50 $115 SReyal S50 Neko's GiR Certiicate Treatment Wesh Packages $40 $50 Semokin Pete's BBQ Gn Certificate $50 $50 Groundhog Theme Beverage Basket MX Bel Monster Adult XL O Road Helmet- $170 100% of the proceeds from this Kendall Kreations Creneg Lan H Abrasve Compay Penytvania American Wutr Compuny Pesy ShopSa Frateral Order ol the Eaglen Donald S. Powell Fairman Corporation ACME Machine Welding Ce Puy Sell tere andand Orien Legisties Fastru Trecking A Renoures, LP. auction will be returned to Michael A. Vancherl, DD Nichelas Glavita,RC THIS community. Rotary contributes to approximately 40 local charities, organizations, projects and seholarships and also provides the community Christmas tree in the park during the holiday season. DuvidL Yeng Ea Produetien Abrav Juwe Fie Tirst Commonwealth Bank MeCabe Piber Funeral lleme Dinmere Lithographer Country Cone Mahening Beer Diatriutan Heward Hanna Allemang Realty Church lereranoe Specialists Shumaker Funeral Home Ine. Burhet 8 Sens, lec. Hellman Diamend Products DE Limined Faily Partnenhip PENNSYLNANIA AMERICAN WATEH ENCOLRAGES OUR CUSTOMERS TO USE WATER WESELY. USING WATER WISELY ENSURES THAT THERE IS PLENTY OF WATER AVAILABLE NOW AND EN THE PUTURE. VISIT THE PENNSYLVANIA AMERKCAN WATER WEB SETE AT PENNSYLVANIA www.PAWCCOsE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT USING WATER WISELY. AMERICAN WATER SPONSORS CALL 503-0664 TU BID TO VIEW CCOMPLETE LISTING WITH PICTURES, VISIT WWW.PUNXSYROTARY.COM · CALL 503-0664 TU BID PUNXSY ROTARY AUCTION DONOR 1101, Treasurer m Vansteenberg 1102. Shield's 119 Boot Shop 1101. Career Woman's Club 1104. Breathe Peace Wellness Spe t1M Laska's Pizzs SEGMENT 11 12:30 - 12:44 PM. Small to Med. Smoked Beef Bones for Dogs Shield's 119 Boot Shop GR Certificate. S50 Anchor Inn Git Card & 2 Pantal Hotel Cook Books 30 Minute Sauna, Yoga Class & Massage. Laska's Pizza Gift Cerficate Hair Cottage GR Certificate Burrow Gin Certitte .RETAIL VALUE $50 $50 S80 $100 550 1105 A Hair Coge on County EMS 1104. 110. Dunkel Roofing YY le alidtom Oet 200-Sept 22 $55 $4100 1110 111. Amy Moris, Aomey 1112 Renda Radia, Inc. Cards $50 $50 584 1113. Friend of Rotary 1114. InFirst Bank 115. Deeley Funeral Home Steve's Greenhouse &Flerist Git Card 4 Pitsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Tickets (Vald to 1220) Two $25 Gin Cards for Hoss's Steak & Seafood $25 Chamber Git Card, Blanket, Tots, Umbrela and Tumbler. Apple Series 3 Space Gray Watch & Black Sports Band $50 550 $200 OA BROADCAST LIVE ON WPXZ 104.1 FM MAJOR ITEMS RECAP FROM 1249 THROUGH 12:59 p.m. SEGMENT 12- 12:59 - 1:13 PM.. $100 Mastercard Gn Card 6Light Polished Brass Chandelier Punxsy Phi's Restaurant Git Card Two Chief Combo Meals & Bread, Pop. Gift Certificate for Water Based Pillow. RETAIL VALUE $100 DONOR 1201. Marion Center Bank 1202 HAH Supply 1203. Weather Capital Sales 1204. Punasy Pizza - Scot Anthony 1205. Cornerstone Chiropractic 1206. Laska's Pizza 1207. Burkett's PWS 1200. Friend of Rotary 1209. Walmart Distribution Center $240 $50 $55 $65 Laska's Pizza Gin Certificate $50 Git Basket of Dog Products & Toys 4 Music & Motion Stuffed A HP Envy Wireless Printer Neko's $50 590 $110 Animals 1210. Neko's Restaurant 1211. Mke Gigliotn Balpark Tanning 1212. Chuck Daly Foundation Restaurant Git Card 20 Tanning Sessions Chuck Daly hats, shirts, book, picture, pins. 550 560 550 1213. Friend of Rotary 1214. Gateway Lodge - Cook Forest 1215. Friend of Rotary Two $50 Lowes Gift Cards. $100 Gateway Lodge Gin Certificate Dewalt 80 Piece Dril Bit Set $50 $125 Check us out on Facebook: SEGMENT 13 118-1:32 PM. Craftuman 83 Piece Homeowner Tool Set. RETAIL VALUE DONOR 1301. Kevin Neal Auction Services 1302. Myra Handbags by Debbie Snyder Myra Tote Bag & Myra Wristet 1303. Prothonotary Tonya Geist & Friend af Rotary Basket of Cat Toys & tems $25 Gin Card to Punasy Pizza 1304. Friend of Rotary 1305 It's Time for a Tea Party Assortment Delta Satin Nickel Single Handle Faucet. $50 $105 $265 chool& 1307. Frank's Star Lunch 130. Walmart Distribution Center 1309. Amy Morris. Atormey 1310. Friend of Rotary 1311. Jm CurtisA 1312. Laska's Piza, 1313. Friend of Rotary 1314. Big Foot Country 1021& 183.1 FM Graco Aftas 5 Tewo in One Harness Booster Seat Frank's Star Lunch Git Certificate 43 Inch TCL Smart TVin K. $50 GiR Certificate to Joyce's Greenhouse. 6 Halmark Disney Themed Christmas Ornaments Git Certficate to Fairady & Company $130 $50 $240 $50 $120 $200 Ameritas Lite Laska's Pizza Gin Certificate JCPenney Git Card 4 Pitsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Tickets (Valid to 123120) Whiteind 26 Inch Ladie's Bicycle NAPA 10 Piece Standard & Metric Ratcheting Wrench Set 550 $100 564 1315. Femco Machine $100 1316 Friend of Rotary $110 CALL 5 03-0664 TO BID DONOR 1401. Friend of Rotary 1402. Eant End Laundry & Dry Cleaner 1403. Cindy Lou's Shadow Crundh Pret 1404. Rumors Tevem SEGMENT 14 1137 1151 PM. Peanuts 4 Piece - Cheistmas song Dance Party Band. Full Tux Rental with Shoes, Tie, Vest (Valid to 120120) RETAIL VALUE $65 $135 GR Basket with 5 Bags Assorted Flavor Pretzels and SAssorted Dipping Sauces Teo 25 Gn Cards 1405. Cloe Lumber Four $25 Gn Certificates Sony Bu Ray Disc & DVO Player Laska's Piza Gin Certicate RPM Archery Gin Cenitcate on Ceticate for Party Infatable One Night Stay at Cobblestone Hotel $100 140. Walmat Diseribution Center $45 1407. Leska' Piaa, RP Acery $50 1408 Meic Party Ratals 1409 1410. Cobblestone 1411. A shed Up Auto Spa 1412. Shelds Insurance Agency 1413 Smokin Pete's BB0 1414. Muberry Squan 1415. Coca Cola of Dubois $50 $115 SReyal S50 Neko's GiR Certiicate Treatment Wesh Packages $40 $50 Semokin Pete's BBQ Gn Certificate $50 $50 Groundhog Theme Beverage Basket MX Bel Monster Adult XL O Road Helmet- $170 100% of the proceeds from this Kendall Kreations Creneg Lan H Abrasve Compay Penytvania American Wutr Compuny Pesy ShopSa Frateral Order ol the Eaglen Donald S. Powell Fairman Corporation ACME Machine Welding Ce Puy Sell tere andand Orien Legisties Fastru Trecking A Renoures, LP. auction will be returned to Michael A. Vancherl, DD Nichelas Glavita,RC THIS community. Rotary contributes to approximately 40 local charities, organizations, projects and seholarships and also provides the community Christmas tree in the park during the holiday season. DuvidL Yeng Ea Produetien Abrav Juwe Fie Tirst Commonwealth Bank MeCabe Piber Funeral lleme Dinmere Lithographer Country Cone Mahening Beer Diatriutan Heward Hanna Allemang Realty Church lereranoe Specialists Shumaker Funeral Home Ine. Burhet 8 Sens, lec. Hellman Diamend Products DE Limined Faily Partnenhip PENNSYLNANIA AMERICAN WATEH ENCOLRAGES OUR CUSTOMERS TO USE WATER WESELY. USING WATER WISELY ENSURES THAT THERE IS PLENTY OF WATER AVAILABLE NOW AND EN THE PUTURE. VISIT THE PENNSYLVANIA AMERKCAN WATER WEB SETE AT PENNSYLVANIA www.PAWCCOsE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT USING WATER WISELY. AMERICAN WATER SPONSORS CALL 503-0664 TU BID TO VIEW CCOMPLETE LISTING WITH PICTURES, VISIT WWW.PUNXSYROTARY.COM · CALL 503-0664 TU BID