Honoring you on SENIOR NIGHT! 5 32 72 8 75 4 T CECES CES CEECES CCES The senior members of the 2019 Punxsutawney Chucks tootbal eam are (front now, feom left) Sam Shepler, Derek ishman, Arthony Luke Max London, Deegan Smith, Shane Knox, (back row) Jacob Bellenilo, Josh Belerillo, Caleb Kinney, Jonathan Kapusta, Alex Martin, Micah Kriebel and Austin Martin Missing trom the photo is Jeremy Harris Oct. 11 at7D. Friday Stadium Chucks vs.Brockway Rovers Jack LaMarca The 2019 Punesutawney cheerieading squad's senior members are (om etKoninne Anderson, Amber Lite, Holy Hartman, Jan Peeot y Faher, Crystal Couser and Brookelyn Rowles WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! PROUD SPONSOROF THE RED ZONE Phensuctamey JOIN US FOR MEETINGS PARENTTS OF ALL PLAYERS AND CKEERLEADERS IN GRADES TTH- 12TH ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Like Us On facebook PURCHASE A RED ZONE SKIRT AND BE ENTERED TO 1ST & 10 CLUB WIN S25! DRAWING EVERY QUARTER AT FUNKSY 1ST 10 CLUB Honoring you on SENIOR NIGHT! 5 32 72 8 75 4 T CECES CES CEECES CCES The senior members of the 2019 Punxsutawney Chucks tootbal eam are (front now, feom left) Sam Shepler, Derek ishman, Arthony Luke Max London, Deegan Smith, Shane Knox, (back row) Jacob Bellenilo, Josh Belerillo, Caleb Kinney, Jonathan Kapusta, Alex Martin, Micah Kriebel and Austin Martin Missing trom the photo is Jeremy Harris Oct. 11 at7D. Friday Stadium Chucks vs.Brockway Rovers Jack LaMarca The 2019 Punesutawney cheerieading squad's senior members are (om etKoninne Anderson, Amber Lite, Holy Hartman, Jan Peeot y Faher, Crystal Couser and Brookelyn Rowles WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! PROUD SPONSOROF THE RED ZONE Phensuctamey JOIN US FOR MEETINGS PARENTTS OF ALL PLAYERS AND CKEERLEADERS IN GRADES TTH- 12TH ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Like Us On facebook PURCHASE A RED ZONE SKIRT AND BE ENTERED TO 1ST & 10 CLUB WIN S25! DRAWING EVERY QUARTER AT FUNKSY 1ST 10 CLUB