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    December 14, 2018
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SAFETY T Make sure exterior lights are designed for outdoof use. ot all lis lights might not be able to cnjoy a second Sie as part of a al sockets rather than relying heavily on exte Employ surge prokector striga If theee are not enough outlets available. Betore plugging anything in, consult the fuse bon to determine how moch cach circuilt can sofely n cords. WHEN STRIGNGed.damsged lghting set. HOLIDAY LIt Including those wih frayed strings, ustable connections 1 EXPosed wires or broken or cracked sockets GLMake sure al external lights are Perhaps no holiday tradition is more esethatwl no blow aay when a sitf wind arrives xtra careful visible than decorative lights. Whether on the house or on the tree in the Inside the home, when using an artificial Christmas tree. ectric lighes should never be used on a metalic tree. picture window, holiday lights help create a festive mood for al Routi check all cords' temperatures.a cord feels too hot unplag While acsthetically appealing, holiday and find a pcemed lkghting displays can also be qulte Don't leave the lights on when no dangerous. Older lights or poorly adults are home.ithe home is empty or if jest planned lighting projects can quickly are home mg sune the lighes are olt Aoid wing turn tragic. However. this much beloved theyl turn on when no one ls home Unplus all cords and desist. Instead, some simple sety Make sure all cords are visible., Dot this year's lighting display is both Hanging lights shouldn't be a solo holiday tradition does not have to ceasewhe awaty for the bodas usit to be sale precautions are all it takes to ensure bury cords undemech ruggs o hoor s to aoid nal Inares stunning and safe. project. whether hanging lights irside or outside never do so alone: A stiff wind might come along and bow ake sure kids cannot reach ghting displays. ids often adoe holiday lights. wokd potential accidents by heeping ights welt beyond the reach of chaldren Have a Safe Healthy Holiday Season.! Buddy Boy Wines make the Season Bright! BUDDY UDD OY TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: 88 Buddy Boy Lindemuth's Winery Country Store out before Ridgway!2 the loss for (814) 772-3754 (814) 603-1078 he season DRY TO SWEET&FRUIT WINES www.budd