Christmas Cookie Trays Available! Sweef Secrets Desserts Bakery Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies, Vanilla Flakes available for order Also Find our"Vanilla Flakes"at Punxsy Shop NSaveinthe freezer case in the bakery.department. 147 First Street, Rossiter 814-938-6263p Tuesday Saturday 8-4 Banquet Hall Open T &Available to Rent Christmas Cookie Trays Available! Sweef Secrets Desserts Bakery Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies, Vanilla Flakes available for order Also Find our"Vanilla Flakes"at Punxsy Shop NSaveinthe freezer case in the bakery.department. 147 First Street, Rossiter 814-938-6263p Tuesday Saturday 8-4 Banquet Hall Open T &Available to Rent