Do you or someone you know have Arkylosing Spondylitis? We are seeking volunteers for a dlinical researchtrial stuying the safety and eficacy dian investigatioral 'medication in indviduals who are 18 years of age a dder and have Arkylosing Spondylitis Qualified participants will receive at no cost: oStudy drug or placebo oStudy.related health tests oStudy-related care fromaboard certified physician No health insurance or referrals required Qualified participants may be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses for each completed study visit Altoona Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center Altoona Center for Clinical Research 175 Meadowbrook Lane Duncansville 800-924-7790 ext. 224 or 814-693-0300 ext. 224 Text: 814-650-0019 Do you or someone you know have Arkylosing Spondylitis? We are seeking volunteers for a dlinical researchtrial stuying the safety and eficacy dian investigatioral 'medication in indviduals who are 18 years of age a dder and have Arkylosing Spondylitis Qualified participants will receive at no cost: oStudy drug or placebo oStudy.related health tests oStudy-related care fromaboard certified physician No health insurance or referrals required Qualified participants may be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses for each completed study visit Altoona Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center Altoona Center for Clinical Research 175 Meadowbrook Lane Duncansville 800-924-7790 ext. 224 or 814-693-0300 ext. 224 Text: 814-650-0019